• Lifestyle

    Meeting Bollywood John Abraham Actor

    John Abraham Actor – The Bollywood Star Bollywood star John Abraham is the symbol of young people for his physical make-up and macho looks. Born in Mumbai on seventeenth December 1972. His dad is a Christian from Kerala and mother an Indian Parsee. He experienced childhood in Mumbai and learned at Bombay Scottish School and school. John was a decent competitor and taken an interest in the 100 and 200 meters runs. He passed his B.A. (Hons) in Economics and furthermore learned Taekwondo, under the direction of ace Javed Khan. Subsequent to finishing his graduation he passed MMS: Masters in Management Studies from Mumbai Educational Trust (MET) in 1998.  …

  • Food

    A few of my favourite Recipes

    A few of my favourite Recipes  I believe in cooking my favourite recipes for my loved ones. Cooking is a versatile art form and in a way, a spiritual activity. Unlike other artistic mediums, it has the capacity to engage all the senses. Chefs have long known that the presentation of a dish is as important as the taste, aroma, and texture of what is served. When it comes down to feeding your body and mind, nothing is superior to preparing your favourite recipes from scratch, with quality ingredients and served with love. I take time to plan my weekly menu to include all food groups and liking of my…